All courses are one or half-day duration as stated. Payment is required up front for scheduled courses.

Our scheduled courses delivered in Ipswich or virtually are great for businesses who only have one or two people who need the training. So a scheduled course is made up of delegates from all different businesses. These are delivered at Ip-City, Wherstead Road, Ipswich, or via Zoom. Please ring 07713256139 or email to discuss course content, request a course content overview, or book a place.

121 coaching can be booked after any training course to embed the learning and tailor to the delegate’s work situation.

The Imposter Syndrome and Confidence Building 3rd April 2025 Ipswich half day.

People Management 27th February 2025 one day.

Assertive Skills for Managers 6th March 2025 one day.

Resilience, Handling Pressure and Wellbeing 18th March 2025 one day.

Sales Success - Motivation and Resilience 10th April 2025 one day.

Enhancing Time Management and Personal Effectiveness date to be advised.

Leading Remote Teams date to be advised.

Leadership Development Programme date to be advised.

Customer Care date to be advised.

Further details and content for all courses above, please scroll down below:-

The Imposter Syndrome and Confidence Building

Half day course running face to face (zoom optional) at IpCity, Wherstead Road, Ipswich on 3rd April 2025.

Delivered by Jane Warden.

9.30 am to 1.00 pm maximum delegates will be 8.

Suitable for

Anyone in any job role from any business or industry sector, public or private.


£120.00 plus VAT per delegate.


  • To identify what the causes of lack of confidence might be.

  • To learn what can help for the future to maximise positive thinking and to alter our mind-set to more productive ends.

  • To gain an understanding of what the ‘Imposter Syndrome’ is.

  • To explore what ‘feeds’ the thoughts and inner dialogues that lead to feelings and beliefs we have about ourselves, and the rights we give ourselves.

  • To rationalise how we benchmark our own competencies and knowledge in our job roles and compare these to our perceptions of others we work with.           


  • Delegate S.W.O.T. analysis – strengths and confidence.

  • Common reasons for lack of confidence.

  • Exploring beliefs and the rights we give ourselves.

  • Limiting beliefs and how they affect our daily work.

  • Delegate assessment of behaviours.

  • What is the imposter syndrome?

  • Who has imposter syndrome?

  • Causes of imposter thinking and impact it can have in our lives.

  • Understanding emotions when faced with change.

  • Positive coping strategies in difficult situations.

  • Positive mental attitude.

  • Making the best of yourself, including confidence building techniques.

·         Action plan for the future

Note: A follow-up 121 session can be booked for further learning and assistance

Number of delegates in group

Up to 8.

Please ring to discuss course content or book a place ring 07713 256139

People Management

One day course running, face to face (zoom optional) at IpCity, Wherstead Road, Ipswich on 27th February 2025.

Delivered by Jane Warden.

9.30 am to 4.30 pm maximum delegates will be 8.

Suitable for

Anyone who manages people as a team leader, manager, director in any business or industry sector, public or private.


£195.00 plus VAT per delegate. 


·    To understand what is expected of them in their role, and what their team expects of them.

·     To gain vital knowledge and skills to be able to handle different people and different situations or issues within the team.

·     To feel comfortable with allocating work, progress updates and conducting 121 meetings


·         The role – expectations of the team

·         Motivation - what motivates and demotivates people

·         Giving praise and constructive criticism the right way

·         Communication skills - listening & questioning

·         Delegation - how to do it and what to delegate

·         Preparing and conducting 121 meetings - tips and tricks

·         Action plan for the future

Number of delegates in group

Up to 8.

Please ring to discuss course content or book a place ring 07713 256139.

Assertive Skills for Managers

One day course running face to face (zoom optional) at IpCity, Wherstead Road, Ipswich on 6th March 2025.

Delivered by Jane Warden.

9.30 am to 4.30 pm maximum delegates will be 8.

Suitable for

Anyone who manages people as a team leader, manager, director, in any business or industry sector, public or private.


£195.00 plus VAT per delegate. Delegates do not have to have attended the first People Management course to attend this course.


· To gain the knowledge and skills to drive performance and standards in the team department.

 · To feel comfortable conducting more formal 121 meetings with team members for a range of issues, including disciplinary and pre-disciplinary meetings.

 · To be able to engage assertive behaviour to obtain the outcome required in various situations, with team members and other internal departments


·         The differences between Assertive, Aggressive and Passive

 ·         How to come across in an Assertive manner 

·         Individual assessment – Assertive, Aggressive and Passive exercise 

·         The impact of positive and negative inner dialogues  

·         Managing your own emotions and the emotions of others 

·         Handling confrontational situations  

·         Dealing with under performance and behaviour issues 

·         The Disciplinary process and when to use it 

·         The importance of note taking and evidence in 121 meetings

·         Action plan for the future

Note: A follow-up 121 session can be booked for further learning and assistance

Number of delegates in group

Up to 8.

Please ring to discuss course content or book a place ring 07713 256139

Enhancing Time management & Personal Effectiveness

One day course running face to face (zoom optional) at IPCity, Wherstead Road, date to be advised.

Delivered by Jane Warden.

9.30 am to 4.30 pm maximum delegates will be ten.

Suitable for

Anyone in any job role, in any business or industry sector, public or private.


£195.00 plus VAT per delegate. 


·    To increase effectiveness by improving personal organisation skills, and assessment of current management of time.


· Developing a personal sense of time and why things ‘go wrong’

· Identifying and establishing your actual job role (using time log completed by delegate before the course)

· Weekly and monthly planning & prioritising tasks

· Drivers questionnaire – how your personality drivers affect time management

· Making proper use of the ‘best time of the day’

· Controlling/minimising interruptions and dealing with necessary interruptions

· Overcoming procrastination and other time management techniques

· Dealing with other people’s requests professionally and assertively

· How to feel ‘in control’ and minimise stress levels whilst working under pressure

· Action plan for the future

Number of delegates in group

Up to ten.

Please ring to discuss course content or book a place ring 07713 256139.

Leadership Programme

Two day course with a 1.5 hour follow-up running, face to face at IpCity, Wherstead Road, Ipswich date soon to be booked.

Delivered by Jane Warden.

9.30 am to 4.30 pm Maximum delegates will be 8.

Suitable for

Managers or Directors from any industry sector, public or private.


£485.00 plus VAT per delegate for the programme (includes Belbin assessment and report).


  • To encourage managers to elevate themselves to become leaders that can shape, build, deliver and maintain department visions. 

  • To know how to lead employees through coaching and team building.

  • To understand how to motivate and inspire others at work and lead them through change.

  •  To be more aware of the communication skills and behaviour that can help or hinder leadership.


  • Understanding leadership & management styles

  • Recognising the different leadership styles and the effects they have on the people you manage or lead

  • What do people want in a leader? 

  • Having the ‘helicopter view’ 

  • Challenging the ‘status quo’                 

  • How others see us versus how we see ourselves – Johari Window

  • What is Emotional intelligence – a brief description

  • Blocks that prevent leadership 

  • Values and behaviours in the workplace 

  • How to stay positive and think through challenges

  •  Self perception exercise - Belbin assessment included in the price

  •  Individual SWOT analysis and team analysis

  •  Assertive language and behaviour

  •  Motivation and inspiring others 

  • Common motivators and de-motivators 

  • Using our resources and personality to motivate others 

  • Increasing employee engagement 

  • Resilience

  • Positive mindset 

  • The effects of negative talk on us and others 

  • Seeing through issues and challenges 

  • Managing the transitions through change 

  • Changes we face in our work environment

  •  ADKAR Model and the 5P Model

  •  How people view change and react to it – individual assessment

  •  The psychological process we go though - Syndicate exercise

  •  Keeping an open mind, creative thinking and brainstorming

  •  Building your team’s skill and performance

  • Reducing the dependency level in your team
    Instilling confidence and self-belief in your team 

  • Delegation

  •  Trusting others and Monitoring progress

  • How to up-skill and develop your people

 Action plan for the future

  •             Identify what needs to be implemented now

  •             Decide what assistance you need from others

  •             Write 3 objectives to take away and implement 

Follow-up virtual 1.5 hour update with the trainer with all delegates to review the course, action points and the 3 objectives.  Any questions will be answered and any clarification of the course reviewed.

Number of delegates in group

Up to 8.

Please ring to discuss course content or book a place ring 07713 256139

Sales Success - Motivation and Resilience

One day course running face to face at IpCity, Wherstead Road, Ipswich 10th April 2025.

Delivered by Jane Warden.

9.30 am to 4.30 pm Maximum delegates will be ten.

Suitable for

Anyone in any sales role in any business or industry sector.


£195.00 plus VAT per delegate.


  •  To understand self motivation, resilience techniques and handling change to be successful in sales.

  • To look at new ways of promoting products and/or services and securing sales when working remotely with less face to face sales opportunities.                           


  •  Motivation in a sales role

  •  Self discipline and self motivation - techniques to help

  • Resilience techniques

  • Keeping a positive mind and dealing with negative influences

  • Identifying pressures and stress triggers

  • Managing and accepting changes in the workplace

  • Planning and enhancing time management

  • Telephone sales and marketing through social media

  • Virtual client meetings, planning your meeting objective                                                                                     

In this workshop the participants are encouraged to carry out self-assessment and to prepare a personal action plan.

Number of delegates in group

Up to ten.

Please ring to discuss course content or book a place ring 07713 256139

Customer Care

One day course running, face to face at IpCity, Wherstead Road, Ipswich date to be advised, or first delegate to book can choose the date.

Delivered by Jane Warden.

9.30 am to 4.30 pm Maximum delegates will be ten.

Suitable for

Anyone in any job role in any business or industry sector, public or private.


£195.00 plus VAT per delegate.


  • To understand what good customer care is and how to exceed customer’s expectations.

  • To feel comfortable dealing with all types of customer behaviour.

  • To learn vital communication skills that help build rapport.         


  • Delegate’s issues/problems/fears - brainstorm

  • What is good customer care to you?

  • Creating a professional image

  • How to appear calm, confident and in control

  • Listening and questioning skills    

  • Words, voice tone and body language

  • Adapting your approach for different types of customer

  • How to stand your ground without causing offence

  • Behaviour – what diffuses or ignites emotion 

  • The importance and benefits of building rapport                                     

In this workshop the participants are encouraged to carry out self-assessment and to prepare a personal action plan.

Number of delegates in group

Up to ten.

Please ring to discuss course content or book a place ring 07713 256139

Resilience Skills - Handling pressure & Well being

One day course running face to face at IpCity, Wherstead Road, Ipswich on 18th March 2025.

9.30 am to 4.30 pm Maximum delegates will be ten.

Suitable for

Anyone in any role in any business or industry sector.


£195.00 plus VAT per delegate.


  •  To understand how to cope with the demands and responsibilities in today’s fast-moving business world, whilst keeping a positive mental attitude at all times.     


  • Balancing the scales of work and home life

  • Understanding your own ‘motivators’ and ‘drivers’

  • Recognising the differences between stress and pressure

  • Positive coping strategies

  • Keeping a positive mind and dealing with negative influences

  • Assertive communication skills

  • Managing and accepting changes in the workplace

  • Utilising your time effectively

  • Making the best of yourself, including confidence building techniques

  • Adjusting habits of a lifetime                     

In this workshop the participants are encouraged to carry out self-assessment and to prepare a personal action plan.

Number of delegates in group

Up to ten.

Please ring to discuss course content or book a place ring 07713 256139

Leading Remote Teams

One day course, date can be chosen by first delegate to book.

Delivered by Jane Warden.

9.30 am to 4.30 pm maximum delegates will be ten.

Suitable for

Anyone who manages people as a team leader, manager, director in any business or industry sector, public or private.


£195.00 plus VAT per delegate. 


·    To be able to identify individual challenges in working and leading a team remotely.

·     To understand what team members need from the Manager/Leader and how to lead remotely.

·     To learn what helps to keep momentum and motivation going for best performance.


·         Virtual Management and Leadership - skills required

·         Key challenges and benefits of remote working

·         Work life balance for you and your team

·         Choosing appropriate communication channels for different situations

·         Preparing and conducting 121 meetings virtually

·         Delegation and developing the team from a distance

·         Dealing with under-performance and issues in 121 virtual meetings

Number of delegates in group

Up to ten.

Please ring to discuss course content or book a place ring 07713 256139.

Redundancy Support Workshop

One day course - date to be advised.

Delivered by Jane Warden.

9.30 am to 4.30 pm Maximum delegates will be ten.

Suitable for

Anyone in any job role in any business or industry sector, public or private.


£195.00 plus VAT per delegate.


  •  To assist delegates to find new employment from the initial assessment of their own skills, how to come across positively in an interview through to job offer.                       


  • Identifying skills and transferrable skills

  • What jobs to apply for and types of roles in the job market

  • CV and personal statement writing

  • Where to look online/agencies/own targeting plan

  • Interview preparation and presenting yourself

  • Dealing with nerves and preventing barriers to positivity

  • Asking and answering questions

  • Receiving feedback and staying positive if declined

  • Job offer and salary negotiation                                                                                      

In this workshop the participants are encouraged to carry out self-assessment and to prepare a job search action plan.

Number of delegates in group

Up to ten.

Please ring to discuss course content or book a place ring 07713 256139.

Effective Business Skills - Apprentice/Trainee group

One day course running, date to be finalised.

Delivered by Jane Warden.

9.30 am to 4.30 pm maximum delegates will be ten.

Suitable for

Apprentices and Trainees.


£195.00 plus VAT per delegate. 


·  To gain the knowledge and skills to provide a professional approach.

 ·  To feel self assess and understand how the ‘come across’ to others and what impact that has for their own image and the image of the organisation and/or department they work for.

 ·  To be able to write concise and professional emails and letters for the business world to gain responses and outcomes from the receiver.


·         The impact of communication approach with others

 ·         What does ‘professional’ mean? 

·         Individual assessment - how do you ‘come across’ to others? 

·         Professional telephone techniques  

·         The importance of voice tone  

·         Body language and the signals and perceived meanings  

·         Layout and construction of professional emails and letters 

·          How to deal with different customer behaviour

·         Telephone or email, which to use                                   

·         Action plan for the future

Number of delegates in group

Up to ten.

Please ring to discuss course content or book a place ring 07713 256139