Course objectives
To develop the techniques necessary to ensure efficient and effective team management in sales.
The role of the sales manager
- recognising management styles
- understanding personalities
- the ‘balancing act’
- taking the ‘helicopter view’
The importance of delegation
- delegation – not abdication
- obtaining results through others
The importance of objective setting
- clarifying objectives and agreeing performance standards
- monitoring and reviewing objectives
Recognising motivation factors and examining blocks.
Giving constructive feedback
- developing assertiveness skills
- giving constructive criticism
Developing techniques to overcome problem areas
- resolving conflict
- dealing with absenteeism and poor timekeeping
Prioritising work
Appraising staff performance – a brief introduction to effective appraisal interviewing
This workshop encourages delegates to review their own management style and practices and, also, includes creating an action plan for implementation back at work.
Two days with follow
“Jane was animated and was an enjoyable speaker. Jane was very informative and was able to answer all of our questions”
“Jane is well liked by my team, is always reliable to do a great job and is very flexible in a range of soft skills training. I would not hesitate to recommend Jane to others”