Who is this for
This programme is for newly appointed Managers or for Managers who would like a refresher programme.
Managing a team often means being judged, not only on your own performance, but also on the results achieved by others. It is important as a Manager that we understand the role, and the interpersonal and management skills and techniques that are required to get the best performance out of our team and the importance of collaborative working relationships with other departments.
Course objectives
The learning objectives for the delegates in this programme are:-
- To ensure they understand what is expected of them in their role, in terms of their teams and what senior management expect.
- To learn how to utilise their communication skills in order to manage people effectively on a day to day basis.
- To understand and learn what is ‘best practice’ in people management.
- To enable the delegates to feel more confident and capable of organising and leading a team of people, whilst being effective and efficient themselves.
- To reflect on ‘how they come across’ to others at work.
- To self-assess and consider their own communication style and how it may be adapted to acquire the end result they need in various situations.
- To be able to consider how the management team can work better together as a whole to achieve their departments’ objectives, and the whole organisation’s business objectives.
Session One
Overview of management
- personal objectives of the course
- what is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ management?
- reflection of own management style
- recognising leadership styles
- personalities of the current team
- your job role – why are you there?
- accountability and responsibility
- individual and Company business objectives
Image and Perceptions
- your blind spot – Johari’s window theory
- the importance of the image we portray
- leading by example
- individual SWOT analysis
- the effects of negative attitudes or behaviour
- the positive working environment
Throughout the session, the delegates will note down action points to complete whilst back in the workplace for review on session two.
Session Two
Re-cap of session one and questions (30 minutes)
- motivators and drivers – yours and your teams
- ways to motivate others
- keeping positive in a negative environment
Crucial interpersonal skills
- listening and observation skills
- the art of questioning to solve issues
- the effects of our body language signals
- reading body language signals of others
- assertive, passive and aggressive behaviours
- benefits of empathy and understanding
- choosing the right approach with colleagues
- importance of inter-departmental relationships
Decision Making and Problem Solving
- use of mind maps for problem solving
- six thinking hats – a process for positive thinking
- accountability and responsibility
- negotiating and problem solving assertively
Throughout the session, the delegates will note down action points to complete whilst back in the workplace for review on session three.
Session Three
Re-cap of session two and questions (30 minutes)
Day to day people management
- when and how to praise
- giving and receiving constructive criticism / feedback
- resolving conflict
- performance management
- dealing with negative behaviour and attitudes
- structure and objectives of 1-2-1 meetings
The importance of delegation and ‘letting go’
- delegation – the benefits
- why delegation can go wrong
- how to delegate properly
Time Management
- reducing the things that waste time
- tools to help you control time
- planning time – daily and weekly plans
- prioritisation of to do lists
Final programme review and action plan
Throughout day one the delegates will note down action points to complete whilst back in the workplace, and a review of all of the programme action points will end the session.
Delivered over three, whole-day sessions
“Jane was animated and was an enjoyable speaker. Jane was very informative and was able to answer all of our questions”
“Jane is well liked by my team, is always reliable to do a great job and is very flexible in a range of soft skills training. I would not hesitate to recommend Jane to others”